Dying Matters Week 2017 runs from the 8th-14th May and emphasises the importance of properly dealing with a grievance by providing support to each other throughout bereavement. This includes encouraging people to talk and grieve properly, making sure our families are supported. Being prepared for death can ensure a great deal of stress is elevated off the shoulders of your closest family members at a time which is already difficult enough.
One of life’s few certainties is that we will all die. Obviously, none of us know exactly when or how, which is why it is so vital to plan for our futures whilst we still can, by making a Will and appointing Lasting Powers of Attorney.
Without a Will, your estate will be distributed in accordance with the rules of intestacy and may be bequeathed to people you neither want or expected to inherit your estate. Even if you already have a Will, most people will need to review this as circumstances change over time – we strongly recommend updating your Will regularly especially after any major change in your financial situation.
Without a Will, your estate will be distributed in accordance with the rules of intestacy and may be bequeathed to people you neither want or expected to inherit your estate. Even if you already have a Will, most people will need to review this as circumstances change over time – we strongly recommend updating your Will regularly especially after any major change in your financial situation.
Do not put off making a Will
The Duchess of Cambridge couldn’t have put it better in the recent video shared by the Royal Family where Princes’ William & Harry and Kate are seen sat at a picnic table discussing death and grief and Kate reiterates an important message – “It’s ok to have that conversation, even if it is uncomfortable or awkward”. Creating a Will can make having those uncomfortable conversations a lot less so, for example – clauses can be drafted into your Will stating what funeral wishes you have, meaning you don’t need to upset your closest family members by discussing the finer details or arrangements.
The Duchess of Cambridge couldn’t have put it better in the recent video shared by the Royal Family where Princes’ William & Harry and Kate are seen sat at a picnic table discussing death and grief and Kate reiterates an important message – “It’s ok to have that conversation, even if it is uncomfortable or awkward”. Creating a Will can make having those uncomfortable conversations a lot less so, for example – clauses can be drafted into your Will stating what funeral wishes you have, meaning you don’t need to upset your closest family members by discussing the finer details or arrangements.
Appointing Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA)
It is also vital to plan for the future and put safeguards in place for if you need support during your lifetime. People are living longer and therefore are sadly more likely to develop debilitating conditions, such as Dementia or Parkinsons. Lasting Powers of Attorney can be set up so your Attorney can assist you during your lifetime with your Property and Financial Affairs and Health and Welfare, particularly when you are no longer able to express your wishes.
It is also vital to plan for the future and put safeguards in place for if you need support during your lifetime. People are living longer and therefore are sadly more likely to develop debilitating conditions, such as Dementia or Parkinsons. Lasting Powers of Attorney can be set up so your Attorney can assist you during your lifetime with your Property and Financial Affairs and Health and Welfare, particularly when you are no longer able to express your wishes.
Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney should not be a taboo subject. Let’s put the kettle on with our loved ones and TALK! Decide what YOU want, do not leave it to chance.
For more information or to book an appointment with your trusted Colchester Solicitors to discuss Wills and/or Lasting Powers of Attorney, please contact John Fowlers on 01206 302694 or 01206 576151.